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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 2, 2012 9:00am-11:00am PDT

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hourly, right? >> yeah, right. >> alison kosik, thank you very much. hey, everybody thanks for being with us. cnn international is getting ready to go live now. suzanne malveaux is ready to take the baton. >> take you around the world in "60 minutes". here's what's going on right now. a journalist who disappeared in syria almost two months ago suddenly shows up on this youtube video. but when and with the footage was shot and what's happening here is not clear. it looks confusing. still the family of 31-year-old austin ticie think it proves he's alive and okay. it's posted on a facebook that supports syria's presence. they think tice was being detained in august but the
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government has not acknowledged it. happening in frib, gunmen opened fire on a university in northeastern nigeria. 20 people are now dead. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack but it happened in an area that's been a targeted by islamic militants. we are deeply sorry for what happened. that is the response from ikea. the swedish retail giant came under criticism for intentionally removing photos of women in catalogs that were shipped to saudi arabia. the company is investigating why these photos were omitted in the first place. saudi arabia does not prohibit the presence of women in marketing materials. and hong kong, 38 people are dead in the territory's deadliest maritime accident in decades. a passenger ferry collided with another boat last night off of lamma. police have arrested seven screw members from the boats and rescue crews are still looking
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for survivors. >> reporter: a night of celebration turned to tragedy as water rushed in through the boat's hull. >> translator: the boat was standing straight up in the water. it was chaotic. it was a slide. >> reporter: this is hong kong's worst maritime disaster in more than four decades. dozens of people died after two boats collided, the boat that sank had more than 120 passengers. many of them employees and families of a local company gathered to watch annual fireworks to celebrate the founding of the people's republic of china. many in the hospital were under 12. other children never made to it the hospital and are among the dead. a surviving passenger described panic as the boat sank. >> transtor: my leg was stuck and i couldn't get it out. i thought i wouldn't be able to get it out and i was going to die. the water was suffocating me. my friend tugged on me and got
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my leg out. >> reporter: this is the scene of the collision. the boat half submerged right behind me. search-and-rescue operations are still under way. boats are patrolling the area looking for survivors. there's a helicopter circling overhead. in what could be hong kong's most fatal accident investigators are wondering what happened. hong kong's chief executive has promised a full investigation. >> translator: as we consearch and rescue efforts we'll gate this incident and understand what cause this. >> reporter: rescue officials added low visibility may have contributed to the disaster. chong has more than 200 outlying islands. ferry service is a normal and usually safe part of daily life until now. now a court case that has rocked a nation. a woman who is allegedly raped by two police officers and then charged with public indecency when she filed a complaint.
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this case is under way in the north african nation of tunisia. so now hundreds have taken to the streets of tunis to show support for this women and voice the outrage at authorities who they say are trying to publicly shame and intimidate this woman. first of all, explain how this actually started. i understand the woman was with her fiancee in a car and then the police show up. >> reporter: that's right. this happened only a few weeks ago. according to this women, three police showed up and two put her in the car and then they took turns raping her. the third police officer stayed with her fiancee to extort money from him. she actually explains this in an interview but her identity is protected. take a listen. >> translator: they raped me for an hour and 15 minutes after driving. at the end we reached a cool next to a factory.
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the third policeman is standing next to it. i asked them to let me go. the policeman said we'll fabricate your charge of adultery in a will spend years in prison. then he said to my fiancee what can you pay us? >> reporter: the incredible thing is after having that money extorted from them for about $200 she says they went half an hour later to plain to the police station but to only then to be accused of public indecency. she's in court fighting those charges. >> what about these police officers? where are they? >> reporter: well they too are fighting the charges of rape against them. but what's amazing is that her story is being called into question first and it's her versio of events that's being questioned first. >> explain this to us because people might remember tunisia from the arab spring. this is where it start preponderance of the evidence a guy set himself on tire. there was a big protest that happened and a lot of hope that
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this was a country that was really going to be good not only for society at large but also for women and their rights. >> reporter: there was a lot of hope. this is really part of the challenge of the arab spring. there's a new moderate islamist coalition and they are struggling with the draft constitution that many women's rights activists say goes backwards. it was part of tunisia's constitution women had equal rights. now this constitution has taken away some of that saying women are not equal they are complimentary. it's a draft constitution at this stage but this case has become a flash point and has become one of the thing people will look at to see whether or not this new government in power can actually deliver on the expectations of the revolution. >> amazing story of transformiation that's happening there and a lot of questions about whether or not they are going to be able to allow women to have equal rights in that
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country post-arab spring. here's what we're work on. the pope's former butler on trial accused of stealing hundreds of secret papers. he says he was trying to protect the pope. >> i love my wife and my son. >> a man, his wife and son all being deployed to afghanistan, even though tens of thousands are is going the opposite way home. watch this emotional report. and the beautiful great barrier reef off of usa in big trouble pap new report says it lost half of its coral in just 30 years. we'll take a look at why. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with.
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now that's progressive.
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can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno.
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so stunning accusations in a vatican courtroom today. pop benedict's butler is on trial for leak being hundreds of documents to an italian journalist. paolo gabriele admits to taking these papers but on stand he said it because the pope was being in his words manipulated so he also accused vatican police of keeping him in a tiny, dimly lit room for weeks. some serious allegations by this butler. first of all what was the point
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to say he had been put into this room under intense light. is he saying he's being tortured. something is going on as this trial goes on? >> reporter: presumably what's going on here is that like any defense attorney the legal team representing paolo gabriele in this process is trying to create sympathy for their client and one of the ways they are trying to do that is to suggest that some of that testimony that he gave to vatican investigators during the preliminary investigation over the summer may have come under duress and, therefore, should be taken with a grain of salt. now what the vatican will tell you, suzanne is some of these conditions such as keeping the light on all time and having people go in and out of his cell a lot to check open him was largely because he was under a sort of a suicide watch. these were obviously extraordinary circumstances. the guy was under enormous pressure. they were worried he might try to harm himself. they will argue some of the
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condions he's describing were not intended to harm him, they were actually intended to keep him safe. this is kind of the standard opening skirmish that goes on in virtually any criminal trial. >> the butler is saying he handed over these documents because he was trying to expose corruption in the vatican. how does the church respond these allegations? >> reporter: well, basically what they will say is that some of the documents that came out as part of this massive vatican leak scandal, we're talking about hundreds of pes of documents that have been collected in a thick book by this italian journalist that some of them are exaggerated or taken out of context. other of them document real problems but problems by now several years old and that pope benedict xvi is working to fix them. the problem isn't so much the content, it's the reality that it happened and that it was orchestrated by one of the
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pope's closest aides. >> what do these documents say? review this for us for two have not been following this story. is there any smoking gun in these documents? what do these documents allege? >> reporter: well, it's a wildly diverse set of material. some of it is almost comically simply. one was an anonymous memo written in german, purported to be a document as a plot to kill the pope. a more serious one is the documents about money, in particular alleging corruption in the vatican bank and corruption in the administration of vatican finances. in effect what vatican officials have said about that is that south is real but that it's dated and that right now they are working to put in place fixes. so they will say this is a snapshot of a moving picture that's already in a different place today. >> all right. we'll be following this very closely and finding out what the butler, what happens to the butler next. thank you very much.
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u.s. government has reportedly been holding secret meetings about the growing threat of al qaeda in north africa. we'll look at how serious that threat is.
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a fight against al qaeda has the u.s. increasingly focused on north africa. "the washington post" reports the white house has been holding secret meetings to examine this threat and considers for the first time to launch unilateral strikes in the region. peter, you know the area very well. we've seen mali, tunisia, library area lot of problems developing with al qaeda and terrorists. do you believe that the administration is now looking at that area in a very different way and that there's an increased threat? >> reporter: well, "the washington post" piece certainly indicates that there's been secret meetings to kind of consider the possibility of strikes in the region and i think that sort of speaks for itself. the administration doesn't want to be caught flat footed as it
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was with al qaeda in the arabian pen and christmas day 2009 attack that was traced back to al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. arguing against this, al qaeda hasn't really shown any real ability to attack in the west as yet. they have certainly kidnapped western tourists as you mentioned. indications they were involved in the attack on the benghazi consulate. but no indication that they planned that attack in advance. some of their men may have been involved in the operation. so, i mean i think part of these secret meetings are due diligence to look at this group, but, you know, as yet, i mean their ability to act outside north africa i think is -- we haven't seen it. >> it's limited. i want to play some southern,
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from the dnc, the democratic national convention in september where the president unquivocally said al qaeda is being defeated. let's listen. >> a new tower rises above the new york skyline. al qaeda is on the path to defeat and bin laden is dead. >> so just days after that, that's when you have this attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi and the ambassador and three others were killed. al qaeda called it a gift here. do you think that the united states is vulnerable to al qaeda? what is their reach here when it comes to north africa? >> reporter: well, i think it depends. the benghazi consulate was clearly not adequately defended, you know. american embassies in other north african countries i think would be a much harder target. so, you know, this group did attack the u.n. building in algiers some years ago which is, you know, somewhat defended. so they do have some capacity.
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but i think we need to be careful, you know, this is not al qaeda central suddenly capable of attacking the united states. >> sure. >> reporter: this is more a group that has traditionally been kidnapping westerners, targets of opportunity. they are expanding in mali. i think the white house is doing the right thing by taking the threat seriously. go ahead. >> peter, finally, we know just looking at the big picture islamists have been suppressed for decades by arab dictators. now you have these overthrown dictate ors and militants rushing to fill this void, this vacuum here. what is the state of play? >> reporter: you can make an argument it's not an accident that so many came from countries that have benedien dictatorship. it reduces the amount of militancy in the region.
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which isn't to say there won't be complicated in counies like libya going forward. at the end of the day more democratic middle east is going to be reduced the appeal of these kind of jihadi militant groups which really are the fruit of the authoritarian regimes. >> peter bergen, thank you. it's always hard when loved ones head off to war so you can imagine when several family members are deployed. that's what one montana family are actually facing this. we go to their home. >> reporter: dinner time means family time at this household from who is chopping, to who is stirring. to who is sitting "around the table" and who soon won't. >> how hard is this for your family? >> i'm not real sure. i don't think it's hit them yet. >> reporter: a grandfather to
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three girls his other title is master sergeant dan skillman. he deploys to afghanistan in just weeks with his wife and their oldest son james a sergeant. husband, wife and son will be gone nine months as reserve support at kandahar. despite the 29 years that she has served this is the first time she's deployed to a war zone. >> are you scared at all? >> yes. some people say no they are not scared they are ready to go do this but i think in the back of everybody's mind it's a little bit terrifying. >> reporter: at the skillman home where the unpaved road meets the montana big sky they know about sacrifice for country. her father was awarded the purple heart during word war ii. dan's father joined the national guard. dan deployed for a year in iraq and james almost didn't come home from iraq when a grenade
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hit his vehicle. >> the war is not over. we still have a job to do. suzy, she right now, she just thinks i'm going to work and, you know, i won be back for a long time. >> reporter: suzy, his 4-year-old who can't quite pronounce afghanistan much less comprehend where daddy is going. >> it's very hard to talk to the family what if they dot come back. but that's hat everybody knows about going war. you try to talk about it, but how can you? >> reporter: the u.s. military doesn't have a specific policy about the deployment at the same time of an entire family unit. in this case parents and a child. the military says it also does not keep track of how many cases like this are out there. but ask anybody around here and they will tell you this is something they have almost never heard of. >> we have so many american
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heros in this country that serve every day. it's enormous the amount of sacrifices that our american families make here and abroad. and they do it for selfless service for their country. >> reporter: the military is called a brotherhood. the skillmans prefer to call it family. >> i'm going with my wife and my son. >> reporter: here and there. an amazing story. want to go to vice president joe biden he's exchange in charlotte, north carolina. 15 electoral votes up for grade. >> they put two wars on a credit card. refusing to pay for them. i introduced the legislation to pay for the war. number two they added a new prescription drug entitlement that they didn't pay for. and then they added a $1 trillion tax cut for the very
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wealthy on top of that. now, they -- those are the facts. the end result of all that was by the time we were elected they had in eight years doubled the national debt, that clock, doubled it and in addition to that they had the slowest job, private job growth since world war ii under this policy. and by the time the president sat down behind that famous desk the resolute in noble office within a week of sitting down our economists told us mr. president you're going to have to deal with a $1 trillion debt this year because there's nothing you can do about it. the budget was passed back october. and so ladies and gentlemen so much for their credibility on the debt, but what did it produce for us? it produced the great recession all these things they did in doubling national debt and these massive tax cuts that absolutely
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eviscerated the middle class. they say we urgently want to deal with it now. basically i think my opponent says something like, you know, i don't know, he said something about he was regrets -- i don't know. something he wibed he hadn't voted that way. okay. i don't want to miss -- i don't want the press to say i misquoted him. but i did that but i kind of wish i didn't. whatever. now they are serious. now they are serious. okay. let's see how serious they are. they tell you that they want to get it under control but they are unwilling to do a single solitary thing to get it under control. let me explain. governor romney and congressman ryan have spoken out against our president's $4 trillion debt reduction package, a trillion of which we've already passed, to reduce spending to a trillion dollars so far over the next ten years.
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they voted against every bipartisan plan out there. many serious people, economists have gotten together and there was this simpson-bowles, you got one great guy, mr. bowles here. >> mr. biden in charlotte, north carolina. breakfast will look different for travellers. three major hotel chains are changing what they serve. we'll tell you what's on the menu. -[ taste buds ] donuts, donuts! -who are these guys? -oh, that's just my buds. -bacon. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] donuts. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? okay. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds.
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a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. stay top of mind with customers? from deals that bring them in with an offer...
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to social media promotions that turn fans into customers... to events that engage and create buzz... to e-mails that keep loyal customers coming back, our easy-to-use tools will keep you in front of your customers. see what's right for you at a revolution brewing over hotel breakfast. the buffet great many guests could be a thing of the past. no one could be happier than our richard quest. >> reporter: i loathe the hotel breakfast buffet and i don't care who knows. congealed eggs and relentless of getting up and sitting down.
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hotel groups recognize the problem with breakfast. it's the one research shows we really care about. a key decideder that we'll come back. >> we need to change our approach and our philosophy of how we provide the most important meal of the day to the guests. >> reporter: now after two years of research, hilton are redoing breakfast along with a planned revamp evidence hilton new york. new don't need to tell us how to eat. just give us fresh healthy food and we'll figure out what we want. we all don't like the scrambled egg sitting in the dish. >> reporter: you can't get rid of the scrambled eggs. right? what happened when you tried to do that in >> our guests were not very happy with me. >> reporter: overruled, hilton has taken it back to basics. less variety, better quality.
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hyatt went further. they handed total control to the hotel chefs and insisted on seasonal local produce and sustainable farming. >> we've asked our chefs talk to their local farmers and ranchers and what can they source locally. >> reporter: but they've even opened up their own farmer's market. >> each chef at the hyatt here in new york come here on wednesdays and thursdays and buy their produce from here. we expect costs to go up. ironically costs are going down. we're talking not about the ceo in the office we're talking about the vast majority of business travellers who stay in a mid-scale hotel. >> reporter: stand back. a free breakfast is essential to budget travellers. three quarters of hotels offer
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it. while the offerings remain simple, choice has dramatically expanded the items. >> they wanted more hot items. we wanted to same healthy items. >> richard quest, sees joining us from london. richard, so how was that all of? -- that waffle. you made that waffle. >> reporter: what i find fascinating. what research shows and here's the core points. what research shows is that people often choose which hotel they will stay at on the strength of the offering of breakfast and more than that, they actually, breakfast is the single most important meal that any hotel will offer you. sounds so obvious that is until you realize it and put it into practice and that's why this is a true revolution at the breakfast buffet.
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>> it looks more appetizing. richard you and i travel a lot. do you ever see people in their pajamas showing up at these buffets. >> reporter: no. identify not tried that one. but i still, i'm still launching a single handed global international worldwide campaign against the breakfast buffet. ask richard quest. it's something that should be removed, cruel and unusual punishment. >> with the breakfast ate great idea. people look at the gym and bar as well. it's i wanting to see how all of this fits into one's stay there. but you always eat breakst. >> reporter: tomorrow night -- tomorrow at this time i'll be happy to show you the richard quest in room work out where you can work off that breakfast. no, seriously. we got the exercises that you should do when you're in your hotel room and can't go the gym.
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>> we'll bring you back tomorrow after breakfast and we'll get the work out in. the photographer who visited the u.s. with iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad last week, he's now in hiding seek being asylum here in the united states. ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you turn an entrepreneur's dream... ♪ into a scooter that talks to the cloud? ♪ or turn 30-million artifacts... ♪
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into a high-tech masterpiece? ♪ whatever your business challenge, dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. took hours to work or made me drowsy. after allegra, i have the only 24-hour medicine that's both fast and non-drowsy. after allegra, i have it all.
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iranian cameraman defects after traveling with mahmoud ahmadinejad to new york. the cameraman said he's afraid for his life and stayed behind and applied for asylum after the rest of the group returned to iran last week. the guy's lawyer says his client is afraid of persecution if he goes back because of his perceived political beliefs. here's what he told soledad o'brien this morning. >> he doesn't want to continue to live in the regime and he's offended by how the regime
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treats people. by how it treats its enemies, how it treats the iranian people, about the level of persecution there. also has concerns about now, now about his own safety. >> so, why is he taking the position that he's taking here? is he some kind of activist, has something happened to him? do we know any details? >> reporter: none of that is clear. we don't know the details why this man is seeking asylum, the details we are getting are from his lawyer, there are few and vague. essentially the lawyer is saying when the iranian delegation came to new york last week for the new york general assembly some of his political views, this photographer's political views were discovered by the iranian government to be against the iranian government. according to his lawyer those political views, those discov y discoveries put him in danger, his safety at risk and that's
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why his lawyer said he had to stay back for his safety. he's seeking asylum. it will take him about six months to see whether his asylum will be accepted. in the meantime don't be surprised if the u.s. government, u.s. intelligence rechs out to this man because he could have some valuable information about the iranian government. he is an insider, an mahmoud ahmadinejad insider. they probably wouldn't bring him to overseas trips if they didn't trust him. so company have some valuable intelligence for the u.s. government. >> i imagine that's quite true because this is somebody who has been right by his side, mahmoud ahmadinejad's side. if he's the photographer i imagine he's seen a lot of what this man does and what mahmoud ahmadinejad is capable of. be very interesting to know what kind of intelligence they get from him. tell us about the family. i under they fled the country. are they in trouble? >> reporte there are reports that they fled and that's always a concern when it comes to iranian dicy dents, iranians 0
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who seek asylum. over the years there's been many photographers, film makers, journalist, artists claiming they have been persecuted and threatened. oftentimes their families are in danger. the iranian government has a reputation of being very skillful in applying pressure on these families as sort of pay backs. so there's a concern for the family and there are reports that they have left. how many of them have left or where that's not clear. >> do we know where they are or is that something that they are trying to hide essentially? >> reporter: we don't. again, the information is coming from this man's lawyer and he's being very tight lipped and i think there are indications if he talks too much about the family that will put them in more danger. so there are reports some of them have left the country. it's not year how many or where they are. >> all right. thank you so much. appreciate it. colorful venezuelan president hugo chavez facing now a big challenge. meet the former tax attorney who
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is running against him in sunday's election. on gasoline. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and it's not just these owners giving the volt high praise. volt received the j.d. power and associates appeal award two years in a row. ♪ side by side so you get the same coverage, often for less. that's one smart board. what else does it do, reverse gravity? [ laughs ] [ laughs ] [ whooshing ] tell me about it. why am i not going anywhere? you don't believe hard enough. a smarter way to shop around. now that's progressive. call or click today. [ grunting ]
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some of you may still be deciding whether or not to vote for president obama or mitt romney in the upcoming election. venezuelan's president doesn't get to cast a ballot but he made his pick. >> if i lived in the united states i would vote for obama. >> not the kind of endorsement president obama would like. mr. chavez recognizes that as well so he prefaced the statement as well he hopes it doesn't hurt the president. well the venezuelan president also running for re-election himself. the vote will be held on sunday. >> reporter: when a position candidate challenged venezuelan president hugo chavez to a debate earlier this debate, chavez's reply was the eagle
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doesn't hunt the fly for a man who has been in power for 13 years, dismissing the opposition as feeble as part of his political strategy. but the equation might be changing. a 0-year-old governor is taking venezuela's political scene by storm. he's facing chavez in next sunday's presidential election while speaking with international media monday, he blasted chavez's cozy relations with iran and belarus. >> translator: what does venezuela have in common with iran or belarus? isn't the president of belarus a dictator? you tell me. isn't it true that here in venezuela we twice gave our independence hero to gadhafi? is that the kind of relations we the venezuelan people want? no! >> reporter: while he was speaking to reporters, chavez was singing folk songs to his followers while campaigning in western venezuela.
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♪ >> reporter: the former tax attorney was the mayor of a caracas suburb before winning the governorship. he was also the youngest leader of the venezuelan parliament. part of his appeal he speaks about solid government institutions and a judicial branch that treats all venezuelans equally under the law. he was elected to run against chavez after the venezuelan opposition forged an alliance in january. the 40-year-old candidate says he has visited more than 300 venezuelan towns during his campaign. he stepped on to the national scene during a 2002 riot at the cuban embassy in caracas. the chavez government accused him of insighting the riot and sentenced him to jail for four mis. the courts ended up acquitting
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him. >> you got this young 40-year-old, you know, he's healthy and strong, fit guy and hugo chavez who has been in power for a while. how do they weigh these two? is it a generational thing? how do they split this? >> it's a generational thing. chavez has been suffering from cancer. also just to give you and idea how uneven the playing field is in venezuela, just for the sake of a hypothetical scenario, imagine president obama has a national tv network paid for with public funds that he can use whenever he pleases to campaign. that's exactly what chavez has in venezuela. he has a national tv network and also venezuela law allows him to break into programming, even if the broadcasters are private, if the government decides that it is okay to do so. >> whatever kind of campaign he wants they can put it on the air. >> meanwhile, this man has to go
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through regular channels like candidates here in the huns. he has to pay for air time. pay for spots. to begin with that part of the campaign alone is highly, highly unfair. >> does he have a chance? does he have any kind of chance? >> you saw him there campaigning. he's very energetic. he's traveling by bus. campaigning throughout venezuela by bus. he's visited more than 300 towns. again given the circumstances, it's an uphill battle. >> is there vote near ti my addition that weighs into this as well. >> if you worked for the national government in venezuela the writing is on the wall. it's not open, it's not public but everybody is expected to vote for chavez. the other thing is that if there's a lot of public programs, welfare programs that people are being told they are going to lose if chavez loses this election. so it's voter intimidation in two different ways. >> we've seen reports that you've had before where chavez is literally giving out houses.
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>> if you want a house vote for me. >> yeah. trying to buy votes. rafael we'll see how it goes on sunday. thank you. a diver's paradise. the great barrier reef off of australia but its coral is quickly disappearing. we'll look at what's killing off the reef. there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat.
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it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward.
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storms, too many coral eating star fish and coral bleaching. research scientists in australia say these are the three factors most responsible for the great barrier reef's disappearing act. it has lost half of its coral in just the past 27 years. earlier today, jon gunn said man's impact on the reef is easily traceable. >> we have in the corals a wonderful library of what we've done to the great barrier reef. there's some corals that live for many thousands of years and
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we found through some of the sites we do we can drill holes in the center of these corals and look at annual growth rings and look at when captain cook came to australia and when the first agriculture in australia happened. we saw a change in the type of chemistry that these annual growth rings in coral were depositing. we've seen a chronoloronhronolo coral record. as we've seen it grow we've seen these major stresses happen as well. in particular in the last 27 years we've seen this very sad decline in the coral recovery rate. >> joining us cnn meteorologist. chad explain to us if anything can to be done when you look at the coral and it's disappearing. >> two cyclones, category 5 storms. can't do anything about that. that's natural. that will recover. we have these crown of thorns star fish that he was talking
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about and these are not your pretty star fish that you go to the bahamas and see on the sidewalk. these are nasty looking things with big giant thorns on them. have very few predators and taking over the reef. and they eat the coral. that is the issue. here it is. 1600 miles of the great barrier reef right there. that's australia. here's what it looks like from space. almost more like tiny little islands that don't get the surface. you dive below to take a look at it. beautiful from space. you talk about the coral bleaching that's when the coral loses its color, loses some of the polys and the chlorophyll, it goes away because of the warmer water that we've been experiencing problem bla because manmade. global warming. but this is the guy. 20 arms on this. so it's not a star at all. but it's a crown of thorn star fish. it can be 30 inches across. it throws up its stomach acid on to the coral then dissolves the rock with that acid and then
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eats it again. sounds like a great guy. the problem with this here is that because there's been so much run offfrom some of the industrial plants and some of the farmlands around here that's causing algae bloom. the algae bloom is what the juvenile star fish eat on so that's where they believe this big explosion of these star fish is coming from. they need to at least weed them out a little bit. there's too many and they do eat an awful lot of coral every single day. >> looks like they need to do something about that. take a look at this. gathering of gandhi look alikes. we'll explain how this broke a world record.
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9:57 am
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several stories caught our attention today. photos as well. gandhi was born 140 years ago today. 1,000 students in india dressed up as gandhi to celebrate. they it is a world record.
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gandhi helped india gain independence from britain. a buddhist monk in bangladesh looks through the rubble a burned temple. toyota unveiled this concept car at a electronic show in japan. it's called the smart inset. uses facial recognition to greet each driver. like your smartphone i want uses voice commands. this photo, special tribute to minus team, i would like to thank you for all your hard work, producers, directors, everybody behind-the-scenes and in front your efforts toledo our network's emmy award that received last night for breaking news coverage or egypt as independence. congratulations. i'm suzanne malveaux. this hour the cnn newsroom
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fwreer cussing on who has the advantage in tomorrow's debate, mitt romney or president obama. could the unemployment rate be the october surprise that shakes things up in the election? and imagine flying the plane and your seat comes loose. it happened twice. we'll get right to it. we're 32 hours away from the first presidential debate. president obama and mitt romney taking the stage at the university of denver in colorado. a live picture. this inside that will. where the two men will face off for the first time. lost at stake for both candidates. according to our latest poll which is an average of five national polls it is tight race among likely voters the president has 49%, mitt romney at 46%. now both men in past moments wished they could have a do over. we recall a heated exchange between hillary clinton and president obama back in 2008's debate in south carolina. >> while i was working on those streets watching those folks see
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their jobs shipped overseas you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board of walmart. i was fighting these fights. i was fighting these fights. knives fighting against those ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor in his slum landlord business, in inner city chicago. >> so, wolf blitzer, joe johns myself had an opportunity to ask questions of the candidate in myrtle beach. do you remember the energy in that room. i mean you knew when they went after each other the battle was on. it was game on time. you had cheers. you had jeers. all that. and people remember those moments. what do you think -- what do you think the president -- what do you think he learned out of that experience? >> you know, i thought about that for a while today, suzanne. i think the president clearly
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perfected his style. it was pretty clear to me that he started seeing even then that any flashes of anger on his part were more likely than not to go over poorly. so in that debate that you and in moderated together with wolf, we saw efforts by hillary clinton who was also running for president at the time to get under the president's skin, to get under mr. obama's skin again and again and again. it looked like to some degree there in south carolina both hillary clinton and bill clinton were sort of -- were sort of going after him at the same time, trying to fluster him when he got to this debate. he never went there. and i think that's telling for this debate upcoming. all these attempts to try to fluster him, you know, do you remember suzanne, the talk about ronald reagan in that debate? >> right. >> do you recall that? >> that's right. >> all this talk about ronald reagan and whether obama had
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sort of invoked the name of ronald reagan because so many democrats didn't like him or whatever. well senator obama then took the punches, explained what he said about reagan and took it back to her, keeping the anger under control, finding balance and pushing back hard just not too hard. >> it was interesting too as well you could ask the most dry mundane question, dealing with the economy. they would go back to the talking points in the attacks. it was clear they were trying to score points. fireworks. a "game change"er if you will. i want you to see here's mitt romney in a scenario that played out in the debates, the primaries with rick perry in las vegas. >> i'm speaking. i'm speaking. >> you get 30 seconds. this is the way the rules work here. in get 60 seconds and then you get 30 donds respond. anderson -- >> you say -- you knew.
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>> would you please wait? are you just going keep talking? let me finish what i have to say. >> all right. there's always that opportunity really when somebody gets in the other's skin and you lose control of the debate and he yearly lost control over his cool, calm demeanor. what are some of the challenges he's going to be up against when he's faced off with obama. >> i think you're absolutely right. i mean that's a situation where it gets out of control and people start not looking very presidential. and you certainly don't want that on either side. so, my guess is you're going to see president obama playing defense first. that's usually the tactic in a situation like this. president of the united states comes in, defends his record, makes the case for why he deserves a second term and the challenger then -- it's up to him to try to attack the record, and to bring this president down a notch. so in all likelihood my
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suspicion is you'll see president obama playing defense first, and mitt romney sort of going after him and trying to take a few chunks outof the armor. >> a breaking news matter out of pennsylvania you've been covering this, this judge that ruled the state can't enforce the new vote are i.d. law in the upcoming election. who does it impact, what does it mean? >> we're talking about probably 90,000 some say maybe 100,000, even more according to some accounts of people who don't have the type of i.d. required under this new law in the state of pennsylvania, the judge after an appeals court ruled had to essentially put in an injunction that injunction says we're not going to enforce this vote are i.d. law through november. nonetheless, he also left it open for people at the polls to ask for i.d. of people who come to vote. it's just that the law is not going to be enforced. there's a question rightow
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that we're still trying network out as to whether they will have to fill out provisional ballots or just vote regularly even if they don't have i.d.. but after november, that pennsylvania law remains in place and they are going to go back to the ole i.d. law idea. >> all right, joe. thank you. good to see you as always. we'll be watching the debate. catch all the debate action right here on cnn. live coverage starts at 7:00 eastern. will israel strike iran? will the stock market dictate a dive? will america get hit with another terrorist attack? those are some of the scenarios that could be an october surprise. we're talking about an event that happens late in the election season that could have a major impact on who wins the white house. dana bash shows us it happened before. >> reporter: election year 1972. the raging unpopular war in vietnam consumed the bitter campaign battle between president nixon and george mcgovern. suddenly on october 26th, 12 days before the election,
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vietnam negotiator henry kissinger made a surprise declaration believed to cement nixon's front-runner status. >> we believe that peace is at hand. >> reporter: it was the first so-called october surprise. a late in the game campaign event with a significant impact on the election. >> in order to win re-election for nixon in 1972, he needed to end the vietnam war. and this was sort of the definetive statement. >> reporter: the most famous october surprise was in 1980. 52 u.s. hostages held in iran were not released before the election despite president carter's efforts. instead they were freed as soon as rsh was inaugurated setting off democratic suspicion never proven that reagan elm sears back chanld with iran in delaying freeing the hostages and denied the troubled carter campaign a huge pre-election boost. >> it fed into the whole dynamic
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of the 1980 race in that jimmy carter was a stumbling ineffective president. >> reporter: fast forward to 1982. george h.w. bush was on the ropes over bill clinton when casper weinberger was imply indicated in the iran/contra scandal shortly before election day. bad news for bush that he did not need. in 2004 a classic october surprise. osama bin laden released a video on october 29th just four days before election day in a raz orthin race between president bush and john kerry. three years after 9/11 it served as a reminder of the terrorist threat and strategists in both parties believed helped president bush. more recently the term october surprise has come to mean a seismic event in the fall of an election year though most have centered around foreign policy others have been about the
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economy like in 2008. when the economy imploded, john mccain's advisers say his campaign collapsed along with it and never recovered. historians say in order for an october surprise to have a real 11th hour impact it has to feed into a narrative that already exist, whether it's carter's ineffectiveness or questions about mccain's credentials on the economy. >> it's not so much that suddenly eureka this is so surprising, so amazing, but rather people nod yes, this is where we thought things were going. >> dana bash joins us live from washington. first of all, i guess people will take a look at friday's numbers, the jobs numbers and do we think that could be a, the october surprise that people are waiting for, the unemployment? >> reporter: you know, it could be if it's anything like the unemployment reports that we've seen important the past several months it's going to be pretty static and that would not be a surprise.
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but, you know, what was interesting about what the presidential historian said that we talked to said it's true about these october surprises. they only have an impact if, because it's so late in the game if it feed into a feeling that people have which is why maybe mitt romney's 47% comment could have been the october surprise. but, you know, what makes our jobs -- one of the things that makes our jobs so interesting and sometimes fun we really don't cho. it might be what one of the campaigns has in their pocket, a dirty trick that they are going whip out at the last minute. but you know what? it's a surprise. so by definition we don't know what it's going to be. >> we'll see how the next couple of weeks go. all right. dana, thank you so much. here's what we're working on for this hour. >> imagine being on a plane and your seat comes loose during the flight. >> proceed. the seat is loose. we don't want it flying around. >> it's happened twice on
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american airlines flights. plus if congress doesn't act soon your taxes could go up more than $3,000. and crime is up in new york. and would you believe it's because of apple products. yep. your iphone is causing a spike in theft.
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i'm barack obama and i approve this message. romney: "it's time to stand up to the cheaters" vo: tough on china? not mitt romney.
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when a flood of chinese tires threatened a thousand american jobs... it was president obama who stood up to china and protected american workers. mitt romney attacked obama's decision... said standing up to china was "bad for the nation and our workers." how can mitt romney take on the cheaters... when he's taking their side? starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. just 35 days until the election. early voting starts in ohio and florida the first absentee ballots hit the mail this morning. the big question is who will win tomorrow's debate. president obama and mitt romney trying to down play expectations. joining us from washington to talk about it, democratic strategist donna brazil and anna navar navarro. abc "the washington post" poll, 55% of likely voters say president obama will compared to 31% who say romney will come out on top. it's pretty consistent with some earlier polling we've seen. donna, does it help or hurt the
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president that people are already going in thinking okay he's going to win this thing. >> that should reassure the president. i think he has to come across as confident tomorrow. he has a terrific record to tell the american people. mitt romney has been in dress rehearsal for this first debate now for five years. i suspect he'll be the more aggressive person tomorrow. but president obama should preempt any strike that mitt romney intends to aim at him, attack, attack, attack by hitting him with a very big question that could possibly knock him off his game plan and make him rely on those zingers that he's been working on. >> anna, what do you think? >> i think suzanne there's a lot of pre-debate spin. both of these guys are very experienced, very seasoned debaters. they both have been debating for the last five years. you'll remember that there were many debates that then candidate
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barack obama and now president obama did in the democrat primary four years ago as well as mitt romney had debates four years ago and also in this most recent primary. president obama does have the advantage of having done the one on one with john mccain four years ago. he went one on one with mccain. he did very well. most would say he beat john mccain. so i think -- i think the onerous is on president obama. >> the director of debates at southern illinois university wrote an op-ed for cnn and said both have strengths and weaknesses and this will be one of the most important presidential debates we've seen in history. here's how he outlines it. when you talk about romney's strength he says he's smooth, knowledge able, excellent first lines and tends to pivot. he says president obama, his strengths, he can be detached, he has an ability to focus and crystallize that's very strong on his reasoning.
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donna, do you see either one of these as being accurate here? do you think that there's some sort of opportunity, if you will for the president to attack on romney's strengths or is he pretty formidable? >> look, i think president obama is preparing very well for this debate based on what i've seen in the newspapers, but, you know, this is like the opening night on broadway where you're both playing to the audience and the room as well as to the public out at large and if you get a good review as i hope president obama will receive, then that will continue to help him, you know, lead in the polls and get people out to vote. i have to tell my good friend anna president obama has not been in a one on one debate since october 2008 unless he's doing something behind closed doors with joe biden. mitt romney has been the one like i say well prepared and he speaks in perfect sound bites. >> anna, weigh in on the
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weaknesses. this is what he says in terms of weakness. for romney, too smooth. debating from behind. they talk about obama's weaknesses saying that he has a slow approach, sometimes a stuttering approach and he can be somewhat long-winded. how do you evaluate that. >> i think both of them have strengths and weaknesses. i disagree that some of those are disagree that some are weaknesses and some are strengths. president obama's detachment can be a weakness. sometimes he can come across aloof and detached. detached from what's going on at that moment. both are capable of losing their cool. i've seen it happen with both of them in previous debates. mitt romney actually being from behind can be an advantage for him. the times i've seen him do best is when he is the underdog, when he is on the ropes. i saw him do best, probably his two best debates, suzanne were the florida debates with when
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newt gingrich had beat him lining a pulp in the south carolina debates a few weeks before. so i think that could actually be an advantage for mitt romney. he seems to be good under pressure. but, you know, listen, both these guys have a lot of strengths and some weaknesses. the question is -- >> let's talk specific. >> the nastiness is time out for that. we know the base of both political parties are very enthusiastic. this is about appealing to those undecided moderates and independents and nasty is not cool. >> let's talk about -- let's talk about appealing to latino voters. there's a new poll out today. back in 2008 mccain had 31% of latino vote. that was not as good as george w. bush in 2004 he had 44% of latino vote. romney need at least a quarter to a third of latino vote toeshs competitive in states like colorado where the debate is and that kind of thing.
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real quickly because i want to get to donna on this issue. what does he need to do to appeal to latino voters? >> i think latino voters need to know more about mitt romney. they know very little. precious little about him. the little they do know they don't like. he has begun to change his tone. ep needs to continue doing latino outreach and doing events, doing interviews, doing media, pouring money and resources into paid media and to outreach efforts. >> donna to that point, romney has actually moved closer to president obama on immigration issues just very recently saying he's not is going to rerocky the visas, deport young illegal immigrants under the new law here. does that present a problem to the president if he moves close center >> look we know mitt romney has a pension for etch-a-sketch. he likes to erase his previous statements and previous support for sb-1070 show me your papers
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in arizona. he's turned his back on latino voters. it's very difficult to appeal to a very large and influential segment of our population when you've already said things that turn most of them off. so i would tell mitt romney, well you know what? bye-bye. how do you say that in spanish. >> adios. >> he's going to keep on trying or he's going lose. >> we're running out of time. i got to say bye-bye, adios to both of you. we'll bring you back. presidential candidates may not win election with good debate performances but a bad one of course can destroy it. the good, the bad, the ugly from a half century worth of debates up next.
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(train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well.
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about 32 hours away from the obama-romney debate in denver. while debates may not always change the course of the election they can have some powerful moments. revealing something about the politicians running for president. anderson cooper shows us some of the most memorable debates. >> reporter: september 26, 1960. first presidential deless viced debate. appearances mattered more than
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ever and gaffes however small are magnified. john f. kennedy a young senator from massachusetts facing off against vice president richard nixon who is known to be a fierce debater. on screen kennedy looks cool and calm while nixon looks uncomfortable, sweating profusely under the hot studio lights. nixon flounders under the glare of television for all four debates. kennedy goes on the win the election. in 1976 president gerald ford makes this blunder in his debate with georgia governor jimmy carter. >> there's no soviet domination of eastern europe and never will be under a ford administration. >> i'm sorry. could i -- >> reporter: the remark becomes a central theme in carter's campaign and costs ford the election. in 1980 ronald reagan is repeatedly attacked by president carter for his stance on health care. >> governor reagan as a matter of fact began his political career campaigning around this nation against medicare.
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>> reporter: reagan wins fans and the election by staying cool. >> there you go again. >> reporter: four years later president reagan uses humor to handle attacks on his age during his debate with walter mondale. >> i want you to know also i will not make age an issue of this kane. i won't exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience. [ laughter ] >> reporter: in the next election democratic candidate michael dukakis is asked this controversial question in his debate with vice president george bush. >> governor if kitty dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor a death penalty for the killer? >> no, i don't. i think you know i've opposed the death penalty during all of my life. >> reporter: the public sees his answer as cold and dispassionate and that very night his poll numbers drop. during the 1988 vice presidential debate, dan quayle's come par stone yukon f.
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kennedy elicits this response. >> senator you're no jack kennedy. >> reporter: body language play as part in the presidential debate in 1992. george h.w. bush deliberately looks at his watch and pays for it when the audience and voters see it as disrespectful. body language makes a difference in debate between al gore an george w. bush as well. gore sighs over and over again. bush wins the debate and election. both president obama and governor romney are seasoned debaters. but if there is one thing that history has taught us when it comes to presidential debates, expect the unexpected. anderson cooper, cnn. >> don't forget if you catch all the debate action right here on cnf. coverage starts at 7:00 p.m. eastern. talk about second chances. he was hit in the head in his first major league at bat. now seven years later he'll step up to the plate again.
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that's right for you. character, how do you measure at any time best. it's not about being knocked down it's what happens afterwards. adam greenberg was knocked down by a 92 mile-per-hour fast ball. despite concussion issues he never gave up his baseball dream. with the help of an online campaign and on day contract with the florida marlins greenberg will bat again tonight. he said it's all about not staying down. >> this campaign and this at bat is a success already. so the result of what happens on tuesday, it's one at bat but obviously it's resonated with so many people, showing the power of the human spirit, the power
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of perseverance and just staying positive and not letting yourself stay down. >> good for him. so when you take off on a flight last thing you worry about is if your seat is actually secure. what if it came loose. that's happened twice in the last week. >> hi there. today on the help desk we're talking about adjusting your investments during retirlt. with me this hour are liz miller and greg mcbride. listen to this question. >> identify recently retired. young retiree at 56. i still have my 60-40 equity bond allocation. should i be investing any differently now that i'm not a working person? >> and there are lots of choices out there? >> there are. i like that equity bond split she has the 60-40. the only thing i would recommend is sprinkle in some alternative investment, things like precious metals or real estate investment trusts for better diversification. as a young retiree at 56 i like
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that bias towards equities because that's what will preserve her buying power. >> a lot of retirees are getting hooked on gold. >> i like 5% in the potfolio. nice hedge against inflation. it won't produce income like dividends or stocks. >> anything else? >> i think that if 60-40 was the right mix for her before retirement then that's good to stick with. but at her age i would often see clients end pushing that more towards a 70-30. she easily may be funding 40, 45 years ahead of her of life so she may need more allocations to some growth opportunities. >> southeast great advice. if you have an issue you want our experts to tackle upload a 30 second video to our help desk.
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american airlines flight from chicago to london is diverted to ireland after a passenger smells smoke. the problem was an overhead fan that overheated. that is not the only problem however. this is video we just got in here. shows you what has happened on a couple of flights at least twice in the past few days. passenger seats depatched from the floor. mid-flight. last week a flight from boston-miami had to make an emergency landing in jfk in morocco after three seats detached during the flight. yesterday flight from new york to miami had to return to jfk after some seats came loose in the cabin. so take a listeno the pilot on that flight. he's trying to explain what happened to airline controllers.
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he's explaining to it them. and the crew and how they are dealing with all this. >> got an unusual one for you. during climb out rows passengers seats rows 12 d, e and f came loose out of the floor. passengers are unable to sit in that seat. and so we're rearranging the row of seats to prevent a hazard later in the flight if we hit turbulence. >> i want to bring in miles. miles, good to see you. you know a lot of things about this. clearly does this sound like something that is just totally out of the box or have you heard of something like this happening before? >> well it's unusual. of course american airlines is under quite a microscope right now because of the bankruptcy and the ensuing work slow down by the pilots. and so we're paying a lot of attention over tory little maintenance issue that american
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airlines has right now. having said that, rocking chairs on an airplane not a good idea. >> we actually have some new video out of boston, american airlines, it looks like they are pulling some seats off the planes. is this the kind of problem that can be resolved quickly and easily, or is it something that speaks of a bigger more dangerous issue? >> well, yes and yes. first of all, yes. just as simple as tightening a few bolts and it's interesting pilots before 9/11 carried a little toolkit with them and now they can't bring them on board. this might have been pre-9/11 would have been solved more easily. the bigger issue have an i recall in bankruptcy with pilots who are upset and flying to the absolute letter of the maintenance law, causing a lot of work slow downs but more importantly a raft of work orders for those maintenance teams. you have to ask yourself number one are they too busy to make sure those bolts are properly
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tightened and secondly how much is american airlines outsourcing this work to other maintenance facilities that may or may not be doing the job as well. i should point out that an airline in bankruptcy like american the faa steps up its investigations and its supervision of that airline. so in theory they are operating with the government looking over their shoulder. >> sure. miles, you bring up a good point. obviously they have priorities. when it comes to loose seats how does that rank in terms of a safety issue? >> well, it's one of those things that is so simple you and i can fix it. site seems like big deal. but having said that look what happens. when the seats go loose anticipate there's no way to fix it easy in flight it causes all kind of disruptions. so little things lead to big things invasi aviation. every pilot knows that. >> miles, good to see you as always. what could be worse than a weak
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job and housing market? we're talking about the dreaded fiscal cliff. economists think it's the most serious risk facing our economy and your taxes can go up thousands of dollars. to here? at university of phoenix we're moving career planning forward so you can start figuring that out sooner. in fact, by thinking about where you want your education to lead, while you're still in school, you might find the best route leads somewhere you weren't even looking. let's get to work. starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news.
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>> time running out for congress and the president to reach a budget deal. if they don't we could come what's called the fiscal cliff that could cost thousands of dollars in tax increase because a slew of temporary tax cuts are due to expire in january. alison kosik is here to talk a little bit what folks on wall street are calling a major threat to the economy. why do they say that? >> reporter: it's because if you have less money in your wallet it means you have less known spend soirkts goes with this fiscal cliff. that's part of the reason economists are saying we can go into a recession if we go off this fiscal cliff because it means we would pay a lot more in money in taxes. for the average american thousands of more in tax. look at this. so if you're making less than
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$20,000 you pay an extra $400 in taxes. fall into the middle income range you would pay an extra $2,000. people making over $108,000, you pay an extra $14,000. it all kicks in starting in january. the bush era tax use expire. health reform taxes kick in opinion 88% americans would pay more in taxes. >> how likely do we think the tax increases will kick in. >> cnn money asked 17 economists what do you think whether or not congress can get a deal done in time and the answer was unanimous, all 17 said, you know what? you're not going to go off the fiscal cliff. for them it's just a guess. those economists are putting a lot of faith in congress and the reality is don't expect anything to happen until after the election on november 6th. it's going to come down the wire. the big worry is that we could go into a recession if congress
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doesn't get their act together in time. >> even if we don't fall off a fiscal cliff, there's a chance that at least some of the tax increases will go into effect. >> exactly. some taxes could still go up even if congress avoid a full fiscal cliff. a good example is the payroll tax credit. expect that to expire no matter what. the reality is there's no champion behind it. the white house isn't pushing for an extension. tim geithner said this was meant to be a temporary tax cut. the worse case scenario somebody making $50,000 would pay an extra $1,000 in payroll taxes. the bigger picture is hopefully we avoid the tax policy centers doomsday scenario. suzanne. >> thank you. new york police say the theft of apple products way up. more than 11,000 apple gadgets have been stolen so far this year. that's 3,000 more than last year at this time. it weren't for the increase in those thefts crime would be down
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in the city. booths were set up outside of the apple stores to help buyers activate technology that can track stolen phones. paramedics supposed to save your life not put it in danger but that's what happened to some folks in boston. after lauren b, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes! [ jack ] ...and alicia. ♪ this girl is on fire [ male announcer ] use any citi card to get the benefits of private pass. more concerts, more events, more experiences. [ jack ] hey, who's boring now? [ male announcer ] get more access with the citi card. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ]
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another health scare in new england. just this summer dozens of people were infected with hepatitis c in new hampshire when a lab tech tampered with medicines. now another alleged tampering incident in boston. >> i don't want to regionalize this because experts will tell you this is going on all over the country and we're not catching most of it. in this case what's going on is that there was a paramedic working for boston ems and late last year they got a feeling something wasn't quite right. they are doing an investigation. and what is possible, what possibly might have happened here, what the concern is is that he was, he or she was doing
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drug diversion meaning drugs meant for patients he or she was taking some of that drug him or herself. >> i see. >> little for the patient, little for me. maybe none for the patient, all. 57 patients might have been impacted. >> what kind of drugs are we talking about? >> they won't say exactly. what boston ems says is we have sedatives on board we use for patients. we have pain killers like morphine and phentanol. they're no longer using morphine because of this incident. which makes you think morphine might have been one of the ones involved. there are no good statistics on this. when i spoke to law enforcement agencies that made this a priority and look for it they have found it in spades. it is relatively common. nurses, paramedics, doctors, they have this incredible access to these painkillers. and they usually you know it relatively easy to do without getting caught. >> should we be worried?
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>> i think it is not something you can actually do much about, so i always feel why worry about something you can't do much about. i always say if you find you're going in for a procedure and supposed to be sedated or receiving pain medication, and the pain is not going away, you're not sedated, you should definitely raise your hand and say, wait a minute -- >> something is not right. >> something is not right. maybe it is you and the way you're reacting to the drug, but maybe it is that the health care practitioner has taken some of the drug. i don't want to make it sounds like this happens every day, all the time, but it definitely happens and it is something to be aware of. not something to worry about, but something to be aware of. >> thank you. appreciate it. it could be the deciding factor in several states, this election. we're talking about the latino vote and the battle from both sides to win it. ♪ get outta the car. ♪ are you ok? the... get in the car. [ male announcer ] the epa estimated 42 mpg highway chevy cruze eco. for wherever life takes you. and now qualified buyers
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one area where there is no disagreement between mitt romney and president obama is on the importance of latino vote. we go in depth with miguel marquez who shows us how
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powerful latino vote will be november 6th. >> reporter: it might sound like mexico, but this is the fight for the white house. welcome to washo county, nevada, the front line in this battleground state. washo county's 250,000 voters are expected to decide whether nevada goes blue or red. and latinos, about 30,000 votes here, could make the critical difference in a race that could come down to a few thousand votes. here's how nevada's 1.4 million votes break down in way washo is a battleground within the battleground. most of the votes here are in clark county, las vegas. it leans left and rural nevada is solidly republican. the state almost evenly split. it leaves washo county and that biggest little city in the world reno feeling like, well, the biggest little city in the
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world. the democrats here, the ground war is on. bus loads of party faithful, some from other states, already knocking on doors appealing directly to latinos. republicans too seeking favor with latino voters. craig romney. the candidates' spanish speaking son on one of the many trips by the candidate, his family and surrogates all descending on nevada. obama, first lady and their surrogates doing the same, a massive effort on bothides for nevada's 6 electoral votes. >> that's why you saw my dad here friday, my mom here yesterday, we have got, you know, this is -- this state is very important to us as are many other states across the country. but this election is going to come down to just a handful of votes probably in the entire country. >> are you registered to vote? >> reporter: registering latinos, a priority where the margin of victory could be razor thin. you've been out here how long
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today? >> today, like five hours. >> reporter: five hours. how many people have you gotten to register? >> six people. >> reporter: that's about -- that's not very good, is it? >> i know. >> reporter: the growing latino population decisive here in nevada and across the country, if only it voted. >> the latino voter is in a sense an untapped resource in many instances. the registration level, the turnout level in the latino community lags badly to other groups. >> reporter: in 2008, nearly 20 million eligible voters nationwide were latinos. but less than 10 million actually showed up to vote. >> it is really important to be after them, i can say that. it makes sure they go and vote. >> reporter: the white house in the balance, latino voters could help either party win the whole enchilada. miguel marquez, cnn, reno, nevada. we are deeply sorry for what has happened. now, that is the response from ikea. the swedish retail giant has come under criticism now for intentionally removing photos of
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women in cat logs that were shipped to saudi arabia. the company is investigating why the photos were omitted in the first place. saudi arabia doesn't prohibit the presence of women in marketing materials. several other stories caught our attention today, photos as well. gandhi was born 143 years ago today. students dressed up as gandhi to celebrate. they set a guinness world book record for the largest number of folks to do so. gandhi, of course, helped to gain independence from britain. a buddhist monk in bangladesh looks through the rebel of a burned temple. today, police arrested hundreds linked to burning buddhist buildings and homes over the weekend. toyota unveiled this pretty cool concept car at an electronics show in japan. it is called the smart insect, uses facial recognition to greet the driver with flashing helights. like your smartphone, it uses voice commands. you can tell it, open the door. storms, too many coral
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eating star fish and coral bleaching. research scientists in australia say these are the three factors most responsible for the great barrier reef's great disappearing act. one of the world's natural wonders has lost half its coral in just the past 27 years. earlier today, john gone said man's impact on the reef is easily traceable. >> we have in the corals a wonderful library of what we have done to the great barrier reef. there is some corals that live for many thousands of yeernz we found through some of the science we do we can drill holes down to the center of the corals and look at annual growth rings and we can look at when, in fact, when the first agriculture in australia happened, we saw a change in the type of chemistry that the annual growth rings and coral were depositing. so we have seen a chronology of increased siltation, of increased fertilization, of